

More than 90% of 中风-causing clots that come from the heart are formed in the LAA.
More than 90% of 中风-causing clots that come from the heart are formed in the LAA.

The average person with atrial fibrillation (also called AFib or AF) is five times more likely to have a 中风 than someone with a regular heartbeat.1 That’s because AFib can decrease the heart’s pumping capacity by as much as 30%.2 因为血液不能正常地从心脏泵出, it’s easier for blood cells to stick together and form clots in an area of the heart called the left atrial appendage (LAA).2, 3 When a blood clot escapes from the LAA and travels to another part of the body, 它会切断大脑的血液供应, 导致中风.1, 4

In people with atrial fibrillation not caused by heart valve problems (the most common type of AFib), more than 90% of 中风-causing clots that come from the heart are formed in the LAA.3

有关AFib或WATCHMAN程序的更多信息, 打电话给圣弗朗西斯心脏瓣膜中心 573-331-3369.


血液稀释剂, 也叫抗凝剂, are an effective way to lower the risk of 中风 in people with atrial fibrillation not caused by heart valve problems. 常见的血液稀释剂包括华法林(也称为香豆素®), Eliquis®, Pradaxa®, Xarelto®和Savaysa®.

但有些人需要血液稀释剂的替代品, 因为它们会增加出血的风险. 有些出血事件很轻微,很容易治疗, 比如伤口止血的时间比正常情况要长. 在其他情况下, 出血可能危及生命, 比如脑出血导致中风.

如果你有出血史或生活方式, 使你有出血危险的职业或状况, 你的医生可能会考虑血液稀释剂的替代品, 比如守望者植入物.


WATCHMAN is a permanent implant that offers an alternative to the lifelong use of blood thinners. It’s about the size of a quarter and made from very light and compact materials commonly used in many other medical implants.


WATCHMAN effectively reduces the risk of 中风 by permanently closing off the LAA to keep blood clots from escaping. WATCHMAN can eliminate the bleeding risks and regular blood tests and food-and-drink restrictions that come with Warfarin. 在临床试验中, 9 out of 10 people were able to stop taking Warfarin just 45 days after the WATCHMAN procedure.5

The WATCHMAN Implant is about the size of a quarter and made from very light and compact materials commonly used in many medical implants.
The WATCHMAN Implant is about the size of a quarter and made from very light and compact materials commonly used in many medical implants.
在临床试验中, 9 out of 10 people were able to stop taking warfarin just 45 days after the WATCHMAN procedure.6
在临床试验中, 9 out of 10 people were able to stop taking Warfarin just 45 days after the WATCHMAN procedure.5


Steven J. 马里兰州Joggerst
Steven J. 马里兰州Joggerst

守望者被一次性植入你的心脏由 Steven J. 马里兰州Joggerst. 植入WATCHMAN, 你的医生会在你的大腿上做一个小切口,然后插入一根狭窄的管子, 和标准支架手术一样. 然后你的医生引导WATCHMAN进入你的心脏LAA. 手术在全身麻醉下进行,大约需要一个小时. 患者通常在医院过夜,第二天出院.

See how the WATCHMAN Implant procedure works to help reduce 中风 risk in people with atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart problem:


遵循守望者程序, 你需要服用华法林45天或者直到你的LAA被永久关闭. During this time, heart tissue will grow over the implant to form a barrier against blood clots. Your doctor will monitor this process by taking pictures of your heart to see when you can stop taking Warfarin.

Your doctor will then prescribe a medicine called clopidogrel (also known as Plavix®) and aspirin for you to take for six months. 在那之后,你将继续持续服用阿司匹林. A very small number of patients may need to keep taking blood thinners long term.


  • 92% of patients were able to stop taking Warfarin just 45 days after the procedure5
  • 99% of patients were able to stop taking Warfarin within 1 year after the procedure5


如果你有出血史或生活方式, 使你有出血危险的职业或状况, 守望者也许适合你. But like any medical procedure, WATCHMAN comes with risks, so it isn’t right for everyone. Your cardiologist will weigh your risk of a 中风 against your risk of a serious bleeding problem to determine the right treatment for you.

以守望者评估为例 看看守望人是否适合你.



When atrial fibrillation and the bleeding risks of blood thinners started to slow down 英格丽。, 活跃的55岁, 她和医生讨论了另一种治疗方法. 看看守望者是如何帮助她重获新生的.

See how the WATCHMAN Implant helped give 英格丽。 a new lease on life after AFib and the bleeding risks of blood thinners started to slow her down:


比尔的视力问题使他摔倒的风险更高, 这增加了他服用血液稀释剂后出血的风险. See how WATCHMAN gave 比尔 an alternative to blood thinners and helped him enjoy more time out in the garden and walking his rescue greyhound.

See how the WATCHMAN Implant gave 比尔 an alternative to blood thinners and helped him enjoy more time out in the garden and walking his rescue greyhound:


The first step to finding out if you’re a candidate for WATCHMAN is making an appointment with a cardiologist to discuss your options.

WATCHMAN is for people with atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem who need an alternative to Warfarin. This website is intended to provide patients and caregivers with some information about the WATCHMAN Implant. It may help prepare you for talking to your doctor about your options for reducing 中风 risk.

有关AFib或WATCHMAN程序的更多信息, 打电话给圣弗朗西斯心脏瓣膜中心 573-331-3369.


The WATCHMAN Device is a permanent implant designed to close the left atrial appendage in the heart in an effort to reduce the risk of 中风.

With all medical procedures there are risks associated with the implant procedure and the use of the device. 风险包括但不限于意外的心脏穿刺, 空气栓塞, 过敏反应, 贫血, 麻醉风险, 心律失常, 动静脉瘘, TEE(经食管回声)探头引起的出血或喉咙痛, 肺或其他器官中的血块或气泡, 导管插入处有瘀伤, WATCHMAN™封闭装置上的凝块形成, 颅内出血, 大出血, 消化道出血, 腹股沟穿刺出血, 低血压, 感染/肺炎, 气胸, 肺水肿, 肺静脉阻塞, 肾功能衰竭, 中风, 血栓形成和短暂性脑缺血发作. 在极少数情况下会发生死亡.

Be sure to talk with your doctor so that you thoroughly understand all of the risks and benefits associated with the implantation of the WATCHMAN Device.


  1. 全国中风协会. “建立Afib-Stroke连接.2012年出版. 2016年9月1日发布.
  2. 哈佛健康出版物. “房颤:常见,严重,可治疗."哈佛大学医学院. 2011年11月出版. 于2016年8月25日发布.
  3. 刘建军,刘建军. “Appendage obliteration to reduce 中风 in cardiac surgical patients with atrial fibrillation.” 安·胸外科医生. 1996;61:755-759.
  4. 克利夫兰诊所. “心房颤动(Afib).2015年5月出版. 于2016年8月25日发布.
  5. Holmes DR Jr, Kar S, Price MJ,等. “Prospective randomized evaluation of the Watchman Left Atrial Appendage Closure device in patients with atrial fibrillation versus long-term Warfarin therapy: the PREVAIL trial.” 我是科尔·卡迪诺. 2014;64(1):1-12.